1. Intro
As one approaches the time of handover one moves into the closing phase.
Experientially, there can be experienced to be many “arms and legs” in this phase. Most subjects are busy finishing their works while there are often a number of dependencies between the respective subjects. This phase therefore places great demands on good progress planning and coordination — usually from day to day.
På samma tid som en antal og, vi er. Oftentimes, such tests assume that most of the work is completed. Quando testar sistemas de ventilación, você ne želiš a políticos a políticas a ductos e filtro de clog, que requiere un edificio parístico. Fire alarm systems assume that doors are left open or closed and this again assumes that all electronic door locks etc. are complete. Het mais extensief en complexe mais tijd needest.
This phase is therefore of great importance to all parties. One approach to the “moment of truth” that is the takeover business.
As is known, when the build/facility is taken over, the risk passes to the builder and the contractor gets the right to submit a claim for final settlement. In addition, the entrepreneur avoids daybreak if the takeover business starts within the agreed closing deadline.
It is no coincidence that the most detailed and comprehensive provisions are contained in NS 8407, a it is related to the fact that the general contractor has the functional risk.
2. Overzicht van de regels
Beneath we have adopted a matrix showing the individual topics and as before we start from NS 8407 since it is this contract standard that is most often used today. We still get into NS 8405 and NS 8406 where this is natural.

Se può essere visualizzato da matrix che NS 8407 contiene quattro provisioni principali, mais il NS 8405 e NS 8406 ha solo due provisioni principali. Under each main provision there are several sub-provisions so that the overall scope of provisions is quite large.
We have written a paper for three of the topics in the matrix, but not about usability and trial operation which we do not perceive create so many challenges in practice. As for other articles, we have tried to focus on what is most practical and for that reason also important.