Out-of-court mediation

We have written about extrajudicial mediation in an article located in the collection “Dispute and Dispute Resolution”.

Out-of-court mediation has a number of advantages that, for example, judicial mediation does not have.

We have listed some of these below.

  1. Out-of-court mediation can be initiated at any time, and the best effect is if such an initiative is taken early in a conflict.
  2. Unlike judicial mediation, there is no presumption of legal remedy before mediation can be initiated.
  3. In the case of legal proceedings, a lot of work is normally required in the preparation of the subpoena and the equivalent. Then the conflict will normally have affected the cooperation for a long time and it is resource-intensive to go to court.
  4. In the preparation of the subpoena and the like, the fronts between the parties are sharpened, with the consequence that the negotiating climate deteriorates.
  5. The parties themselves choose who will mediate and whether there will be two mediators.
  6. The parties then have full control of the process - in cooperation with the mediator (s).

If you want to know more, just send us an email “firmapost@byggogprosjektjus.no” then we'll get in touch for a closer conversation.

Certified Mediator

Attorney Stein Fredrik Janzon was first certified as a mediator in 2001, but has been mediating before that time in the role of a judge's deputy. He completed a new course under the auspices of the Mediation Academy in autumn 2023 and was then certified according to a new course scheme. Lawyer Stein Fredrik Janzon has also participated in a number of court mediations. He has primarily participated as an advisor and process attorney for clients, but he has also participated as a party. Thus, he has good experience in mediation, but he realized that considerable resources are needed in part before one has the opportunity to mediate under the auspices of the Court.
Lawyer Stein Fredrik Janzon is a member of the Mediation Association. As a mediator, he will conduct the mediation in accordance with the rules of the Dispute Act Chapter 7 “Out-of-Court Mediation”.

About Meklingsakademiet

The Mediation Academy is a collaboration between the Law Society and JUS (Juristenes Utbildningsenter) which offers a mediation education over 39 hours. The training takes place over five days, during which the participants are given a solid theoretical foundation while making extensive use of practical assignments. The participants have also been sent learning materials in advance and read up on this. During the course, the participants work together in groups and have their own instructors to guide. The course ends with a case-based exam that must be passed.

About Meklingsforeningen

The purpose of the Mediation Association is, among other things, to contribute to the professional development of the association's members. The association has developed ethical guidelines for how a mediator should safeguard his or her office as a mediator.
The Mediation Association has also prepared tools that its members can use in their work as extrajudicial mediators. In this way, it achieves a standardisation of the way mediation is carried out, and in a quality-assured good manner.